Our Guide to Earth-Friendly Interiors for 2023

Are you looking to give your interiors a fresh update while being mindful of sustainability this year? The home interior trend for 2023 is set to be one that emphasises eco-friendliness. By being more aware of our consumption habits, we can not only make smarter purchasing decisions but also help lower our environmental impact and create a more inviting atmosphere in our homes. We are here to guide you through the process of creating modern and sustainable home environments, so let’s get started on transforming your space into something truly special!

1. Shop for second-hand furniture

Eco-friendly interiors are all the rage, with more individuals seeking ways to reduce waste and conserve resources. One of the best moves for those who are looking to update their interior design is to shop for second-hand furniture. Rather than buy new furniture, shopping for second-hand pieces not only allows you to save money but also generates positive environmental implications. By opting for home furnishings that have been pre-loved, you can be sure that these items will still last long into the future while also reducing your own carbon footprint; an important way we can all contribute to preserving our planet.

2. Buy homeware designed to last

By purchasing homeware designed to last with quality materials, you can create interior spaces that are both timeless and sustainable. These pieces will likely require a higher cost initially, but over time the savings of not having to replace them more frequently will be worth the expense. In addition, these items will often keep their condition for much longer and have an aesthetic that stands out from the low-budget options available in many stores, giving your home an interesting and unique look. Investing in homeware designed to last is one of the simplest ways you can care for our planet while enjoying beautiful interiors at the same time.

3. Fix don’t throw

Several Handheld Tools on White Printer Paper

The philosophy of “fix don’t throw” is a great way to reduce our impact on the environment by using what we already have, either by reusing or repairing what we have instead of throwing away old items or buying new ones. Not only does this help protect the environment, but it can also save you significant amounts of money. With some creativity and imagination, interior design can be taken to the next level when adhering to eco-friendly guidelines, while still being stylish and current. Eco-friendly interior design is definitely worth considering if you are looking for ways to be more environmentally aware while still achieving attractive results in your home or business.

4. Choose fast-growing woods

Using fast-growing woods in interior design is a great way to incorporate this into your home without skimping on style. Eco-friendly woods to consider include bamboo and cork, both of which are sustainable and renewable resources that can add a beautiful natural element to any interior. Bamboo is especially popular for its resilience and strength, making it ideal for furniture pieces that will be able to stand up to everyday wear and tear while also contributing to eco-friendly interiors.


The critical feature of these woods is that they are easily renewable, meaning they grow back quickly and so put less of a strain on the planet’s resources. Not only are they sustainable but they provide natural beauty with a rustic charm to any room. Fast-growing woods offer homeowners peace of mind knowing that their interior design choice will have a positive impact on the environment!

5. Shop with eco-conscious brands

Eco-conscious brands strive to go beyond basics when it comes to sustainable design, offering items that are beautiful as well as eco-friendly. By shopping from these companies, you can ensure your home not only looks good but also is doing its part in reducing global energy consumption. From lighting fixtures to furniture, eco-responsible interior design elements are becoming more common and easier to find with the help of these forward-thinking brands. Some of our favourite low-impact alternatives to traditional appliances include Verana’s range of black taps, which use an insulated boiler tank to maintain water at a constant temperature – using less energy than a traditional kettle.

6. Shop small and shop local

Eco-friendly interiors are quickly becoming mainstream and this is partially due to the increased awareness of shopping small and local. Interior design professionals acknowledge that something as simple as visiting a local shop carries both tangible and intangible benefits. Local shops typically have an intimate connection to their customers, local communities, indigenous cultures and traditions, translating into unique items that reflect local tastes within the available budget. Shopping small and local thereby offers great potential to put deep personal touches on your interiors while helping to sustain businesses in the community. Eco-friendly interior designs embellished with items sourced from the nearby local stores add a few steps closer towards making Earth a little more sustainable!

7. Switch to LED lighting

The switch to LED lighting is one of the smartest ways to make sure your living spaces are both visually appealing and green. Interior lighting can shape the overall feel and atmosphere of a space, so it’s important to choose something that softens harsh hues while still providing ample illumination. LED lighting not only fits this need perfectly but also allows you to easily customize colours and brightness settings – something not possible with traditional lights. It’s efficient, eco-friendly, stylish, and a great way to power up any modern interior!

8. Embrace minimalism

Flower Vase And Lamp On Black Vase on A Console Table

Embracing minimalism in your home can lead to a multitude of benefits in terms of cost-savings, improved focus, and even Eco-friendly interior design. Motivated by principles such as ‘less is more’, the minimalist design creates clean, functional and stylish interiors that also free up your space. By choosing Eco-friendly materials like bamboo or sustainably sourced wood, you can create stunning looks with a smaller ecological footprint. The goal of minimalistic interior design is to gain greater clarity through its designs and restrictions, leading to an appreciation for the power of the simple things which bring us comfort and beauty. Try embracing minimalism in your home today to begin maximising the potential of what it can offer.

9. Ask friends & family instead of buying new

Interior design doesn’t have to be expensive or require buying new items. One of the best ways to create a unique and stylish décor is by asking friends and family for items that they no longer need or use. Not only does this reduce waste, but it also creates an interior with sentimental value, as the objects have been hand-selected and gifted by the people you love. There are endless possibilities when it comes to upcycling used and even unwanted items into something beautiful and meaningful, so don’t be afraid to reach out to your social circle – you just might find something perfect for your home!

10. Let natural light flow through instead of artificial

Room interior with lamp and vases on a table near the wall

Eco-friendly interiors are increasingly being incorporated into interior designs as a way of reducing our environmental impact. Natural light is an important component of such designs, as it not only helps us reduce energy consumption but also adds visual interest to a room. By introducing large glass windows and skylights, the stream of natural sunlight creates pleasant shadows and highlights that can enhance the beauty of any space. Additionally, unflattering yellow hues are avoided as natural light produces bright, breathable illumination that allows us to make the most of our time at home.


From exploring the different materials we use, from natural to organic and from recycled to sustainable elements and raw materials, it’s clear that there are options for everyone. When we speak about energy, it is important to acknowledge the need to switch from non-renewable carbon-based resources to renewable, non-carbon-based energies.

Making changes to aspects such as paint, lighting and water usage in our everyday life can help us create less of a burden on the environment. With so many options available to us today, eco-friendly decorating has never looked better!

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